Kian and Jc Tour Experience

How are you? Today I am writing about my experience at the Kian and Jc show in Washington DC. Now I love Kian and Jc, I have been watching Kian for 5 years, and I have been watching Jc since the very beginning of O2L. Kian Lawley is my world and has help me through so much, but anyways when you meet someone you have wanted to meet for so long, you have expectations, you see other meet and greet pictures, and you watch videos of how perfect it is. That was not the case with me, when I got there we went in and waited in line to meet them. When I finally got up there I handed the guy my phone and I was a little confused as to why I had to give him my phone, he told me that they were going to take pictures on it, I said okay and me thinking that I was going to get pictures on my phone and also pictures professionally taken. That was not the case, but when you pay $144 for a meet and greet you expect to get a professional picture, I thought that was a little bit weird. After I hand him my phone he takes it to the guy behind this desk type thing. So now it’s my turn to meet Kian and Jc and I am freaking out. So I walk my bag and shirts that I bought to the guy standing there waiting to hold the stuff. Then I walk up to Kian and Jc and I just stand there like processing what is happening, like the loves of my life are standing in front of me, they didn’t say anything it was the most awkward meet and greet ever. But you would think they would say something, now let me tell you something about me I have horrible anxiety and I freak out about everything and it is hard for me to be around this many people especially someone I look up to. Anyways I ended up hugging Kian and saying I loved him and then the same thing with Jc and I told Kian that I wrote them some letters and he said he would look for them in the box and try and read them. So then the guy was taking our pictures and he took like 50, no joke. I walked away and just processed what just happened and I started to like tear up because I had just met them. My cousin was behind me in the line and so as she was walking up to take her picture, Kian seen me crying and was about to come up to me, or that’s what it looked like. But the whole 30 seconds I was meeting them it was like they were not interested at all, and as a fan that hurts a whole lot because when you love someone so much and you have waited so long to meet them and when you finally do and they just seem like they aren’t interested, it just sucks. Then we went back outside and got our tickets scanned to go into the venue to sit in our seats. After about 30 minutes Dom came on and did his DJ stuff and it was so amazing, I love Dom so much. Finally, Kian and Jc came out and they were on stage for about an hour and then they had a 15-minute intermission, why did they have an intermission I don’t know but I didn’t really like the idea of that. Then when the intermission was over Dom came back out and did some more DJ stuff and then KnJ came back out for another hour and maybe 15 minutes and then I remember looking at my phone and seeing the time and it was around 10:15ish and it started at 8 so it was about a two-hour show. Overall I think the show was fantastic other than the intermission, and the meet and greet just kind of sucked, and I am so happy I finally got to meet them regardless ,but for what I paid I feel like they could have been a little more energetic in the meet and greet, maybe it was just me who knows. It just makes me sad to think about my meet and greet experience. Now I am in no way, shape, or form bashing Kian and Jc, like I said a million times I love them and will always support them. Thanks for reading.

 -Samantha xx

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